What an amazing time!

Astrologically, this year has been referred to as the “Year of Purification”. Currently, we are in a time of several planetary cycles ending and beginning. There are lots of shift and changes taking place in addition to the upcoming eclipses. Everyone is being effected in some way weather we consciously perceive it or not.  How has your energy been? What has disappeared or is disappearing out of your life? What have you become aware of that isn’t serving you anymore?

Generally in my newsletters I draw one card from the Tarot or the Mary Queen of Angels deck for weekly guidance.  This week I decided to pull one from each.  When I went to shuffle the Tarot deck, I had three cards fly out almost immediately after I picked it up!  The insight from these cards is so profound that I’ve decided to dedicate more than a paragraph this week.

Mary Queen of Angels:
PrayerInstead of worrying, I pray about this situation to bring about real solutions.

This card reminds you of prayer’s powerful and positive effect, and asks you to apply it to your present situation. This is especially true if you feel stuck, confused, powerless, or in any pain. Surrender these feelings to heaven, and ask for Divine intervention. Then listen carefully for God’s messengers, the angels, who deliver His guidance to you in the form of feelings, signs, ideas, visions, and dreams.
When you worry about a situation, you actually draw to you more negativity and feelings of paralyzing victimhood. So, worrying gives you more things to worry about! In contrast, when you pray, you draw upon the most powerful force in the universe. Mother roMary reminds you to turn worries into prayers by saying, “God, please help me with…” and then pouring your heart out to Him about cares and concerns. You’ll notice an emotional release immediately upon praying, as you shift from fear to faith.

3 of Wands
Exploring,  Anticipating Obstacles, Perspective
How does the present fit into the greater picture? Are you willing to step out on that ledge with full awareness of what you’re doing. It is time to move fearlessly into new areas.

8 of Cups
Seeking Deeper Meaning, Personal Truth, Moving On, Walking Away
This is when we realize that the past is gone. Nothing in life is permanent. The life you’re living is no longer satisfying and a new direction is needed.

5 of cups
Saying Good-Bye, Grieving, Despair, Regret
Did someone or something not live up to your expectation? What did you do that you now regret or can’t get past? How do you get past these feelings? Redemption is possible. There is still good if you look for it.

September 1, is the New Moon and Solar Eclipse. This is a prime time to set  your intentions. Knowing that you are in a completion phase, these cards are incredibly synchronistic with this.  You are being told that it’s time to move. It’s time to let go of all those things that you’ve been holding on to for far too long. You’re becoming aware of all those things that are no longer in alignment with yourself. You are getting a bigger picture. You’re seeing things from a higher perspective. In doing so, you can see what is no longer in your best interest and that it is time to take a journey into the unknown.  It is time to surrender and say good-bye to those things. It’s time to walk away or let go of the emotions, actions, places, events, relationships that have outlived their time. You are shedding these old layers so that you can make room for the new to come in.

Now, this isn’t going to be easy.  There will be grief as with any sort of change or letting go. You may not see your way out of have the fear paralyze you and not want to move forward. You may not be able to see what you have left that is serving you or where you can create more of what you want.  But you have the guidance on how you can move through this experience. You have the wisdom to know what you need to do. If you can’t see a solution, all you need to do is pray;  request assistance. Acknowledge that you don’t know where you’re going or how to go forward and call on assistance. You only need to see the next step. Once you take that first step, the next will be revealed. This is using your abilities to trust yourself to do what is in your best interest. What you need to feel good and be all of yourself.  You may not see the benefits right now, but they are there. You only need to trust and pray for guidance. This may not be easy or you may not even realize where the grief or sadness is coming from as it may be some sort of internal belief or patterns that are being released.

Feel into your body, release the tension as much as possible, feel any emotions that come up. Let them run their course and trust that your solution will be there when appropriate.

Because of all of this powerful energy that you’re dealing with, its imperative that you have our body online. If not then you have a significant chance that you’re going to burn out at a faster rate. You have to be able to be a conduit that can withstand that amount of energy.

Unfortunately most of us don’t have the type of diet and lifestyle that can sustain this. So, what can you do to stay grounded and allow this energy to flow through you, process/integrate everything that’s coming through, and keep living your life?

Here’s what you can do:

Go outside: Sometimes all we need is to reconnect with nature. Take a walk on your lunch break; wake up 15 minutes early and sit outside with a cup of tea, coffee, or warm lemon water; take your kids to the park and play.

Get Your Sleep: Lack of sleep makes us tired and cranky, but it also throws off our body functions like circadian rhythm and blood sugar balance. Shoot for at least seven hours. The intense energies can make this even more difficult. Diffusing an essential oil blend that’s created for relaxation and sleep may help.

Breath work: There are many breathing techniques that can assist you in calming your mind and getting out of overwhelm. Just a few minutes of focused breathing can do wonders. There are several videos on YouTube describing the different techniques.

Drink More Water: Set your goal for at least half your body weight in pure, clean, alkaline, water. If plain water isn’t that appealing to you, try mixing in some fruits and herbs. Lemons, limes, cucumbers, mint leaves, basil and ginger are all good options.

Cut the Sugar: Removing the sugar from your diet is the single most important thing you can do for your body. Remember it’s not only in things like cookies and candy bars. Be aware of the sugar content in things like yogurts, granolas, breads, and reduced/low fat items.

Eat Your Greens: Need a boost in energy? Eat some leafy greens or add them to a smoothie. It’s a much better way to get a dose of vitamins and minerals than those energy drinks. Plus, you get the detoxifying benefits.

I’d love to hear what is coming up for you this week.  What is it time to let go of? What new journey are you beginning?