mf176-image5It’s 3AM. I’m wide awake.  Energetically, I feel expansive, light, and have a sense that everything is perfect. At the same time, life sucks. This is an incredibly challenging time for us right now.  The last few months have brought financial strain, super scary experiences with our kids, my own health has been all over the place, and things seem to be getting worse instead of better.

Everywhere I look I see friends, family, and colleagues who are struggling. People are being hospitalized and suffering physically. Others are losing everything—jobs, homes, relationships. I’ve seen many public figures expose themselves for feeling like frauds.  They have been putting on personas of success and happiness when they’re really spiraling out of control.

We are being cleaned out.  We are purging all of aspects of ourselves that aren’t in alignment with who we really are. We are learning that we are more than our jobs. We are more than our success. We are more than our bank accounts, cars we drive, and houses we live in. We are more than a pretty face. This stripping must happen in order to fully realize and understand the truth. We are more than we can ever imagine.

Right now and every moment there is a choice to be made.  A choice in how you respond. Life happens. No matter who you are, what you believe, or how spiritually enlightened you become, life will happen to you. There will be unexpected circumstances. Shit is going to happen. How are you going to respond?  Will you drink or eat away the pain, frustration, anger, and fear? Will you absorb yourself in drama and gossip so you don’t have to face your own demons? Will you become a recluse and withdraw from the world? Will you become the victim and blame everything on someone or something other than yourself?

Or will you celebrate?

I challenge you to celebrate. Celebrate your life—just as it is, right now. No matter what’s going on.  Acknowledge whatever you are feeling in this moment. Breathe, Feel it, and then celebrate.

If the kids are in the living room body slamming each other—Celebrate!

If you’re in the hospital —Celebrate!

If you’re lying in bed too weak, tired, or in pain to move—Celebrate!

If your partner cheated—Celebrate!

If you lost your job, have no money, or are buried in debt—Celebrate!

If you’re pregnant—Celebrate!

If you are starting a new business venture—Celebrate!

If you are on vacation—Celebrate!

If your life is exactly how you want it—Celebrate!


Throw your hands in the air, scream, dance, laugh, smile, hug someone, express gratitude or kindness, or just say “thank you.” No food. No drinks. Celebrate with love. Touch your heart, breathe, and do whatever feels right to you. Life is a journey. It’s an experience.  Don’t let it pass you by because you’re always trying to reach the goal of total happiness where nothing bad ever happens.  That’s not what this is about.  Celebrate and love your life, just as it is, and you’ll find what you’re looking for.
